Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Baptism of A Lifetime...

March 24, 2014

Hello Everyone!

   This week has been another crazy one. 

I was blessed to be able to be on exchanges at the beginning of the week with some great Elders. Then I came back to Thermopolis on Wednesday and have been here with Elder Clark who is assigned in Riverton, we are just on exchanges until this Friday. 

The work here in Thermopolis continues, I am still getting to know the area and know the people. Nothing too crazy or exciting happened in my area this week but something amazing did happen in an area within my Zone. The Tensleep Sisters had a baptism Saturday morning...

Some back ground information... Tensleep is a small town of 250 people and yet there is a full time set of Sister missionaries there. These great sisters were placed in this small town 6 months ago and when they arrived, the community strongly disliked the missionaries!  Yet these Sisters followed the Spirit and became the center of the community’s focus and admiration; they have inspired and changed a community. So this last Saturday morning was the first convert baptism in Tensleep in the last 10 years! Because Tensleep is such a small town, it only has a small LDS building that does not have a baptismal font.... What it does have is a creek that literally runs right past the little chapel.
When I pulled into Tensleep the temperature was 18 degrees and snowing. We found our seats in the little chapel and it continued to fill with people until there were no available seats. The Bishop stood and began the services, the Spirit was so strong right from the start. A great talk was given on baptism and then it was announced that we would all make our way outside to the creek to witness the baptism. All of us got outside and lined the creek bank. It was cold and still snowing, I shivered as I waited for the woman and her husband to make it to the creek's edge. He lowered himself into the water and looked up at his wife, he took her hand and they walked to the center of the creek. The Spirit was so strong, all ceased to be cold and the sun broke through the clouds! I was able to take the following 2 pictures and catch the beautiful moment....


It was as though I was in pioneer days as I witnessed this wonderful baptism! I am thankful for this woman and her husband and their commitment and dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ! I know this is the true church of Jesus Christ and there is one way to enter... That is by baptism! I invite all to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if it the word of God, if you do so with an open heart, real intent and faith in Christ then I know you will receive an answer! You must act upon that answer and be baptized by one holding the restored Priesthood authority of God. I know for myself the Book of Mormon is true and I am thankful that I have that knowledge and acted upon the answer I received from my loving Father in Heaven. I am so blessed to be here and to be able to invite all to come unto Jesus Christ and be baptized!
- Elder Organ

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