October 20, 2014

Hello Dear family and friends,
This week has been a busy and exciting week, I have lots to share with you all!
Some of you know I have continued to struggle with my
health for the last couple months, well this week I received some
exciting and good news. I have parasites, my colon is full of them and
they have really weakened my body which explains why I have been so
sick. This is such good news because after months of searching, doctors
appointments, and dead ends we finally know what to do to so I can get
back to full health. I am so blessed and grateful for the hand of the
Lord in my life, I have learned much the last few months because of this
health trial and I am grateful for it. Thank you to all who have been
praying for me, I feel of your love and support and I am so thankful!
Three days this week I went with one of the Assistants to the Mission President, traveling to the Glendive zone to present some information to the missionaries about Online Proselyting and how to use Facebook to share the gospel with others. Elder Clark stayed with the other 2 Assistants to keep the work going in our area. The work in our area has really slowed down, we had several of our investigators and less actives drop us the weekend of General Conference. This coming week we have several times planned to find those who have been prepared to receive the message of the Restoration.
This last weekend was a geographical area conference for Wyoming, Colorado and Montana where we heard from Craig C. Christensen, Sister Esplin, Elder Bednar, and Elder Scott. It was an absolutely amazing conference! Elder Christensen talked about members and missionaries uniting together and working together in bringing souls unto Christ. I hope each of you will not shirk your responsibility by assuming, "someone else will do it"; please ask yourself what you can do to be more united. Obviously this is from a full time missionary perspective... As missionaries we love when members share the gospel with their friends, when they ask us, "Elders can I come teaching with you this week" or "Who that you are teaching needs fellowship?" Or invite the missionaries over to teach your family the Restoration. Whatever it may be I invite each of you to do something this week to become more united as members and full time missionaries.
Elder Bednar also talked about the hastening of the work but he made an interesting point, he said, "This is he Lord's work and He does the hastening". With that powerful statement he then asked a few soul searching questions..."Will we as individuals and as a church keep up with the pace of the Lord in His hastening the work?" "Is the hastening happening in us? Are we becoming more devoted disciples of Christ or are we simply going through the motions of being a part of the church?" So answer for yourself those questions. Regardless of what your answers may be I know there is always room for improvement and growth. I invite all of you to again commit to doing something this week to become a more devoted disciple of Jesus Christ and engage in the hastening of the work!
I am so far from perfect and have a lot to work on but I do know my purpose and my role in the work of salvation. My purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. Again I am far from perfect but I strive to always give it my best effort in fulfilling my purpose.
I know that this truly is the work of the Lord
and He is hastening His work. I pray we can all anxiously engage in this
great work! I testify that Jesus is the Christ, He lives and leads this
church. Jesus Christ needs your help and has asked for your help..."If
ye love me, keep my commandments". How will you show your love for Him
this week? I pray you all can be safe in all that you do, I love you and
am grateful for your support! Until next time...
- Elder Aaron Organ
P.S. Pics from the trip to Glendive Zone which is Northeast corner of Montana :)
P.S. Pics from the trip to Glendive Zone which is Northeast corner of Montana :)
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