March 10, 2014

Hello Everyone,
Wow this week has been such a blur! Monday and Tuesday was spent
saying goodbye to so many people I have grown to love there in Great
Falls! I really will miss GF but my parents both said it best, "You were
able to be in people's life and they in your life so you could both
learn from one another." I know that is certainly true, I have learned so
much from all the people I have been able to get to know on my mission
in all my areas and I pray they have been able to learn a little from me
On Wednesday morning I left Great Falls about 9 am and got to Worland, Wyoming about 8:30 pm.
There I met up with my companion who is Elder Anglin from Gilbert, AZ.
We did not know each other there in Gilbert before the mission but know
some of the same people and his Bishop is Ron Knight, small world! I
knew Elder Anglin when he was a new missionary in the Great Falls Zone 6
months ago, he is awesome.
Here is the Wyoming South Zone... Because of
geography I am in a split Zone Leader companionship, so it is sort of
like having 2 companions, 1 is Elder Anglin who I serve with here in
Thermopolis and then the other Zone Leader is Elder Croteau who serves
in Riverton, Wyoming which is where I served about 7 months ago for 6
weeks! Elder Croteau and I coordinate and communicate a lot each day
with things regarding the Zone. Hope that all makes sense for everyone, I
am a little scattered brained today!
Wednesday night there was a miscommunication and so we had a
dilemma. The dilemma was we had 2 Elders that are companions, one is
from Brazil and does not have a drivers license and the other Elder just
had his drivers license expire! Haha so neither of them could drive
themselves back to their area, so I went with one of them and Elder
Anglin took the other one to Thermop. We switched back on Friday and
that companionship just wont be able to drive till the one Elder gets
his license renewed!
So Friday up until now has been great as Elder Anglin has taken
me around introducing me to many members, less actives and
investigators! There is a lot happening here and I am excited to be
a part of it. There was a convert baptism Saturday night and that was
great to be able to meet him and be in attendance!
To answer a few
questions I received in other emails...
Thermopolis is a small town of
about 3,000 people. There is a strong ward here, again with a lot
happening! The weather was cold and snowy the last couple weeks and so
there was a ton of snow everywhere and up in the mountains but the last 4
days has been in the 40's and 50's and so all the snow melted super
fast which caused a TON of problems. Two towns here in my Zone that have
missionaries there were evacuated and flooded by the river. There were
multiple places on the river that became so clogged with HUGE chunks of
ice that the water had no where to go except for over the banks and
flooded a lot. These little farming towns are built on the river for
irrigation purposes and so many houses were destroyed or severely
damaged. Members and missionaries helped all they could and will
continue to help in the clean up stages of the mess that was left once
the water resided. I will try to send pics of it next week.
This afternoon my Zone Leader comp and I will travel with the
sister training leaders to Billings where we will spend the night and
then tomorrow we will travel all the way to the west side of Montana to
Helena for Mission Leadership Council and then I will get back here to
Wyoming Wednesday afternoon, should be another great adventure!
I love
you all so much and thank you for all the support!
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