I know, I know... CRAZY! Somehow these got lost in the shuffle and I didn't realize I'd never gotten them posted! Oops! Enjoy ya'll!
In the last 8'ish months, our favorite Elder has gone through a lot of life changes. He's now a full-time LDS Missionary out in Montana and Wyoming. He's serving the Lord but as you can see, he's also been serving others.
Like his companion in Lakeside, Elder Brown. I'm sure Elder Brown was extremely grateful that Elder Organ owned up to and fixed the problem he had created.
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Ya gotta do what ya gotta do! |
Or the people he and some other Elders helped out by chopping and stacking wood. All. Day. Long.
Elder Organ and Elder Brown |
Taking a sit after a long day of splitting and stacking wood. |
And Joey, the sweet Pit Bull owned by one of their Lakeside investigators. Remember Elder Organ telling us about showing up for their appointment and finding the front porch covered in blood? Thank goodness he and Elder Brown were Eagle Scouts and animal lovers! They cleaned and bandaged Joey right up!
Me and Joey after he was all fixed up! |
Elder Brown and Joey! |
Another key to having a great time for two years is to get along with all of your companions! Luckily, Elder Brown looks like he was a bundle of fun!

Now how did our Elder get around to find all of the souls in Lakeland to teach the restored Gospel to? Well, it meant a lot of dirt roads, beautiful lakes, a ton of snow, a few selfies, bikes and helmets, lunch-breaks, and snoozes when he could get 'em!
Elder Brown and I!
Biery Creek meets Flathead Lake! |
Me on the over-hanging docks at Flathead Lake
Lake Mary Ronan- I took this picture off the back porch of a members home. There is no camera zoom or anything fancy, this is just how close they live on the lake! |
"Behold, the beauty of Flathead Lake!" |
Gotta represent!
Snow at the end of April! Nuts!
Epic sun shot! :) And me... |
Quick nap while waiting for an investigator! |
Just an Elder with his artwork at a restaurant while waiting for our food :)
Finally, throw in a bunch of other awesome servants of the Lord and a P-Day, and its a great place to be.
Part of my Kalispell Zone- Went on a great hike back in April. |
Sure do love that Elder Organ!!
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