May 13, 2013

"Hello my dear friends and family,
This week has been a crazy and intense week for me!
Last Sunday, May
5th I think it was, I was sitting eating with the Singles Branch for
Break the Fast when an intense pain struck the base of my skull and the
right side of my face then went numb for about 5 minutes. I thought,
"Well that was weird!" and explained what had happened to my companion. We went about our night but I didn't feel good at all and went to
bed early.
Monday I had a headache with waves of pain. Tuesday it
continued the same and I felt miserable. Wednesday morning we got an
unexpected call and went to a last minute meeting with our Mission
President. In my interview with President Mecham, Wednesday morning, I
looked trashed and felt like trash. So he asked what was going on and I
explained what had happened. He had me call the Mission Nurse right
away and she started me on Ibuprofen and Tylenol which helped a little.
Thursday we spent all day in Polson on mission business and spent the
night there, woke up at 5am Friday morning and drove from Polson up to
Kalispell for Zone Leader Training and I was still having headaches
and pains. So then after the training, I called the Mission Nurse talked
it over and got approval to go see a doctor in Kalispell. The doctor in
the Urgent Care heard my story and what had happened and sent me to the
hospital for a CT scan of my brain.
So that was an adventure, my 1st
time ever in a hospital because of my own health! I got a CT scan which
was interesting then drove back to the Urgent Care to await the
....................... .......suspense............... .............
everything came back normal. So that was a big blessing but why such
pain in my head and the numbness of face? After talking about many
things the doctor said it was probably just Elder Organ's 1st bad
migraine and that my body was in a bad cycle that needed to be broken.
Well how do you break the cycle? You get shot up with a bunch of drugs
and steroids! Haha so after I went through several injections.....I got
drowsy and was gone.
I really don't remember much but I know I got home
to Lakeside Friday night about 8pm
and didn't wake up till Saturday at 9am. And the cycle was broken and I
felt loads better then I had for days!
I am still not 100% back to
normal :/ So prayers would be greatly appreciated!
It was an interesting
and crazy week that all blurred together!
Then this morning we got TRANSFER CALLS at 6:50 AM.
Elder Brown and I are both being transferred out of Lakeside, kind of a
shock to me! I am being "doubled in" to a new area in a small town
called Corvallis (still on the far West side of the state) and I will be
training a brand new missionary from the MTC.
Only 2 elders and 11
sisters came into the mission this transfer so I am humbled to know I am
being trusted as a trainer of 1 of those 2 elders. It is truly humbling
and will be a great responsibility but I am so excited for the new
opportunity! It will be a fun, new adventure!
So don't send any more
mail to Lakeside :)
Until next week....when I email from a new place.....
Be safe and thank you to all of you and your love and support!
-Elder Aaron Organ"
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