Excerpt from Elder Organ's March 18, 2013 previously posted letter:
"We all slept over because Saturday morning we all woke up and went to do a service project. Their service project was going to this lady's farm on the outskirts of Kalispell and help in the big all-day event of SHEEP SHEERING!
It was sooooo awesome!
We got to man handle the sheep and take their "coats" off which protect their wool, then we would take them to the sheep sheerer who would shave the sheep's wool off so fast, it was so cool to see how it all works. Then we would take the sheep from him and put on another smaller coat to protect the next years growth of wool.
I hope that all makes sense.
I will get pictures sent home and then they will get up on the blog so it will all make more sense and ya'll can see me in action! It was such a blast and felt so great to help this amazing woman out with her sheep!"
Here they are!!!
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On the farm ya'll! |
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YES! Lips to Lips! Ha ha! |
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I had a blast! |
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This is Dudley the Ram! |
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Head to head with Dudley the Ram! BOOM! |
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Sheep farm, BAAAAH! |
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Sheep sheering! |
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Me taking the coat off a sheep so it can get sheered. |
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The barn |
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Me, Elder Sagers in the back and my companion Elder Brown, bending over. |
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A sheep on the sheering floor. |
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Sheep wranglin' at its finest! |
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