Monday, April 22, 2013

Service Project On The Sheep Farm!!

Excerpt from Elder Organ's March 18, 2013 previously posted letter:

"We all slept over because Saturday morning we all woke up and went to do a service project. Their service project was going to this lady's farm on the outskirts of Kalispell and help in the big all-day event of SHEEP SHEERING! 

It was sooooo awesome! 

We got to man handle the sheep and take their "coats" off which protect their wool, then we would take them to the sheep sheerer who would shave the sheep's wool off so fast, it was so cool to see how it all works. Then we would take the sheep from him and put on another smaller coat to protect the next years growth of wool. 

I hope that all makes sense. 

I will get pictures sent home and then they will get up on the blog so it will all make more sense and ya'll can see me in action! It was such a blast and felt so great to help this amazing woman out with her sheep!"

Here they are!!!

On the farm ya'll!
YES! Lips to Lips! Ha ha!

I had a blast!
This is Dudley the Ram!
Head to head with Dudley the Ram! BOOM!
Sheep farm, BAAAAH!
Sheep sheering!
Me taking the coat off a sheep so it can get sheered.
The barn
Me, Elder Sagers in the back and my companion Elder Brown, bending over.
A sheep on the sheering floor.
Sheep wranglin' at its finest!

Sunday, April 21, 2013


April 15, 2013

"Hello Everyone! 
This week was another great week here in Lakeside! We had 2 great lessons this week with 2 separate progressing investigators. Both lessons were a stepping stone for both of these individuals. We discussed baptism with Sherry and what she needs to do to work towards that. She prayed and believes this is all true, so we talked a lot about how faith is an action word and what she needs to do to be baptized.
The other investigator, Valery, kept her commitment to read the Book of Mormon and we had a great discussion with her. She just left town for 2 weeks but we have an appointment for right when she returns. I am praying she will continue to read the Book of Mormon and feel of the power and truthfulness of the book.
We also had another investigator attend church with us yesterday, my first one so far, it was great! Her name is Dodie and she is an elderly woman. She really enjoyed the meeting which was testimony meeting. The small in number Lakeside Branch is large in Spirit and testimony. The Spirit was there and Dodie said she really enjoyed it and could feel her Savior's love.
So slowly but surely the work in Lakeside is picking up, we had some great service opportunities this week and a couple this week which I am excited for.
One of the service projects was splitting wood and stacking it in this HUGE woodshed for an older man in the branch. I have some great pics from that project and it was a ton of fun! A service project coming up this week is with a Less Active member and we will dis-assemble 2 old farm silos, so that should be an adventure! 
I absolutely love missionary work and I thank my Heavenly Father for each day I am blessed to be His servant. I am so blessed and my heart is full. 
Thank you for the love and support!
-Elder Organ"

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April Fools!

April 1, 2013

"Dear Family and Friends,

    Today is April Fools Day but it is also TRANSFER CALLS DAY! Ha ha so my Zone Leaders thought they were pretty funny by saying my trainer Elder Brown was being transferred and I would be staying to train a new missionary.... BUT it was APRIL FOOLS! Ha ha Elder Brown and I get to serve together here in Lakeside at least another 6 weeks :)

      First I would like to say thank you to all who have been praying for me. I have felt your love, support and prayers in an extremely real and personal way. I want you all to know how much I love you and that my words do not give it justice as I try to express my feelings of gratitude. Thank you so much! 

These last 2 weeks have been pretty hard and very trying but I know now, more so than ever before in my life that God gives us these trials to test us but not only to test our faith but to strengthen us. My personal relationship with my Savior and Redeemer has grown. My personal relationship with my Father in Heaven has grown. And my testimony of the plan of salvation and of this incredible gospel has all been strengthened!

 It is truly amazing!

     So on the note of strengthening our testimonies, I would like to invite all who read this to do a personal evaluation of themselves. Evaluate your relationship with your Savior. Do you know Jesus Christ? Or do you know of Jesus Christ? Evaluate your testimony. All of us are at different stages but all of us can always improve! 

So I would invite all of you who this letter reaches to choose 3 things you can really work on to strengthen your testimony and relationship with your Savior and Father in Heaven. I invite you all to join me in reading the Book of Mormon in 1 transfer (6 weeks ;) It is about 12 pages per day to finish the Book of Mormon in just 6 weeks. I just finished reading the Book of Mormon a few days ago and am starting with page 1 today and will finish it on Mother's Day. 

I invite you all to read, study, ponder and pray over the Book of Mormon and to work diligently on always coming unto Christ, our Lord. I promise you that if you do these things your love and appreciation of Jesus Christ will grow, you will be happier each day and will experience more fully and in a very real way the love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for you on a personal level.

    I bear you my witness that Jesus is the Christ. That He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, was betrayed, beat, and crucified for you, for me and for all. He rose the third day and left the tomb empty. I know that my Redeemer Lives! He leads and guides this church today by a prophet, Thomas S Monson! Watch conference this weekend and be lifted up by the prophet today! This gospel is real, it is without a doubt true and the plan of happiness is for all. 

Come unto Christ, be of good cheer and be of good comfort. I know these things to be true, I know I have been called of Jesus Christ, through the prophet, to be His representative here in Montana. This is His mission and I am loving every precious moment of it. 

"I know that my Redeemer lives, oh what joy this sweet sentence gives!" 

In the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

-Elder Aaron John Organ"

A Tough Week

Hey everyone, this next letter from our Elder was a tough one to read as I'm sure it was tough to write. Our sweet Grandma had passed away a few days before and that compacted with a lot of disappointment in the mission field was all very trying for him.

March 25, 2013

"Dear family and friends,

   This week has been a hard and challenging week for me. This week consisted of investigators dropping us (not wanting to visit anymore), teaching appointments falling through, investigators not keeping their commitments, and many, many doors being slammed in my face. This is mission life at times and I have worked hard in fighting off feelings of discouragement. I know there will be challenging times throughout my mission and through out my life but I am thankful for the knowledge of what to do...

We must always turn towards God, our Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

As I had studied the scriptures diligently this week and prayed, sincerely trying to communicate with my Heavenly Father, I have felt peace and comfort and am so thankful for it.
With it being the week of Easter and with the passing of my dear grandmother this last week, Jesus Christ and His Atonement has really been on my mind.

 I am so thankful to know with all my heart that Jesus Christ came here to this earth and atoned for my sins, your sins and for everyone's. That He, the great Redeemer overcame sin and overcame death. I know that my Redeemer Lives, He Lives because on the third day He overcame death and left the tomb empty. 

How glorious this truly is and what comfort this brings me... Because of the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is possible to be together with our families forever. This gospel is indeed the plan of happiness. I know I will see my grandmother again, and all of my family that has passed away and that I can live with my family forever; the family I have now and the one I will have with my wife will be eternal... It will be forever. 

I love this plan and this gospel. 

I love all of you!

-Elder Aaron Organ"