March 11, 2013
"Family and Friends,
This email will be short because I am out of computer time! But
some super exciting news from here in Lakeside, MT! We have 2
One is Brother Wild; we just taught him the 3rd lesson this
week and he has committed to be baptized on March 30th! We are already
on the 3rd lesson with him because President Rowley (the Branch President) and
the Branch Mission Leader had already taught him the first 2 lessons
since there was no missionaries here before us! Anyways, he was planning
on coming to church yesterday but couldn't because of his back and
shoulder pain. He was in a severe car accident while on duty as a police
officer in Florida. He is in the middle of several surgeries on his
back and shoulder and so it is hard to get to teach him and get him to church
but we have great faith in him. He really has a desire to follow Jesus
Christ and knows Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon are true! He is
amazing and we hope to see him later this week, he has a procedure
tomorrow and so we don't have an exact appointment time yet but plan to
teach the 4th lesson.
Our other investigator is Ute, she and her husband moved here
about a year ago from Minnesota, but are both originally from Germany!
So she has a pretty thick accent and is hard to understand at times but
she is awesome! They are retired and live in a beautiful home overlooking the lake! We found her tracting! :) Her husband answered the
door, we gave our door approach thingy and struck up a gospel
discussion. He said, "I'm not really interested but do you want to talk to
my wife, she has read your Book of Mormon before." So that's how it
began! We talked with her and set up a return appt. which we had this
week. We taught the 1st lesson: The Restoration and it went really well!
We were able to answer a lot of her questions using both the Bible and
the Book of Mormon which really showed how they truly do go hand in hand
to testify of Jesus Christ. The Spirit was so strong and she said she
would pray about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. (She read it many
years ago and just liked it as a good book that taught her about Christ)
so she is starting to read it again and to pray about it. We invited
her to be baptized and she said it was too soon to decide but would
certainly think about it. I feel really good about her! Return appointment isn't
until next week.
And this week we are going to teach the lessons to a LA who was
baptized about 6 years ago. He is an elderly man in his 80's but told
the Branch President he wants the lessons again and to prepare to go to the
temple to be sealed to his wife who passed away just a year ago
yesterday. So we will be working with him.
We also have an appointment this
week with a woman who was taught off and on for several months a couple
years ago. We read her teaching record and felt good about trying to
find her. Well long story short, after much research we found her! She
has been away in Billings for a long time at a facility to help her with
some things but just moved back to Lakeside 3 days ago! She is
anxious to begin the lessons again and come to church!
So my dear friends and family, the work has started to pick up
for us! We have been working hard and praying hard! And continue to do
so because I know there are more out there who are prepared for our
message! I love this gospel and this work! I love all of you and your
support! Till next week...
-Elder Organ"
Keep those letters coming for our Elder Organ!!
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