Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dear Elder Organ (He Reported Today!)

Hey ya'll! Elder Organ was dropped off at the curb in front of the Provo, Utah MTC today! Well, that's how I picture it in my head. I'm sure its not as lonely or drab looking in reality, perhaps there's a rainbow over the MTC every reporting day. You know, like a, "Good luck and thanks for being here, Love Jesus!" kind of thing... 

For those who don't know, the person behind this blog is me. I mean, Rachelle. I'm Rachelle Organ (Steele) and I'm Aaron's Elder Organ's older sister. This blog is going to be a place where you all can keep up with Elder Organ's mission news, transfers, crazy companions, letters he wants me to type up for all of you.... 


If there are ever any letters that you all think would be fun to commemorate here, send them to me via Facebook or email them to me, and I'll post them! (rachelleorgan [at] gmail [dot] com)

Why? Because in 2 years, when Elder Organ's mission has been honorably and extraordinarily served, this blog with all of its fun news and stories of crazy companions, pictures, and letters will be made into one awesome Mission Scrapbook!!

Yay for all the letters ya'll are gonna send to me! Now this is any letters you guys send him through DearElder and later on if Elder Organ gives you his mission email address.

Here's the easy peasy directions about using DearElder I posted this morning on Facebook in case some of you didn't see it. 

"Hey everyone!! Elder Aaron John Organ reported to the MTC this morning!! He needs LETTERS!! It takes maybe 5 minutes to get onto and get one sent off. You get onto the site and create an account (SUPER EASY!), then select that you want to 'Write a Letter'. When it gives you the option for the MISSION, choose PROVO MTC! It will ask for the Elders name (Elder Aaron Organ), the MTC BOX # (69), and estimated MTC LEAVE DATE (February 20). Write your letter and send! He will have his letters printed and delivered at NOON today so get on it!! Lets flood him with love and support! Ready.... GO!!"

These instructions are all you should need to send a letter through DearElder and while he's in the MTC, be sure to select Provo MTC. That is only good through the 19th of February and after that, select Montana Billings Mission. Those ones are printed and mailed to him so they do require paying postage buts its such a fast, easy way to send him letters and I for one am excited to use their Care Package services! 

Now for the first letter entry... Mine! Sent off bright and early before I took of for work. I wanted to be sure my baby brother got some of my love! 

Elder Organ!

So weird to type that but its official, you're a missionary! And guess what? You're gonna be incredible! I'm missing you already but I can't tell you how proud I am of you. You're my baby brother but you're the one that sets such a great example and the one I feel is my "big brother". Not because you're huge, but its how I see you. You're my hero and I'm so lucky to have you! I hope your day yesterday was awesome, going to the temple with everyone and I hope today wasn't too bad saying, "See ya later" to mom and dad. Did you make mom cry again ;)? I'm so excited for you and can't wait to start hearing from you and all the great things you're going to be doing and seeing! Stay safe Butch! Know that you are never away from my thoughts. 

I love you!!


Now it's your turn!!

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