June 24, 2013
Hey I got transferred to Billings and am now an Office Missionary! Haha just kidding! I had to spice it up a little, its the same opener every letter so I was feeling like it was time for a little joke! :)
Transfer calls were today but thankfully Elder Jones and I are both staying in Corvallis! And man do I have a great week to tell you all about and all the exciting things upcoming!
Apologies in advance if it seems a little scatter brain... So many exciting things happening and its all just floating around in my head!
So Saturday June 22nd, Jeff Jessop baptized his 3 daughters Shelby, Bailey, and Abby who are ages 12, 10, and 8. Jeff Jessop and his wife Maria came down from Pinesdale 2 years ago and had searched for themselves and had come to the conclusion that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints was the true church here on Earth with the Priesthood authority of God. In April before I arrived here they met with Elder Christofferson of the Twelve Apostles and were baptized. When we arrived here we began teaching the new member lessons to them and their children, they are the smartest family about the gospel I know and it has been a strength and blessing to me to be in their home to teach and discuss the gospel. So the baptism of their 3 daughters was a special and Spirit filled experience for me, I have truly grown to love their whole family in just the 6 weeks!
Gracie Wridge who the missionaries have been working with for 6 months has committed to be baptized on July 6th and we are so very excited for her! She is so ready and awesome! Her and her husband are the coolest people ever and I love visiting them, we have an appointment with them this week to straighten out all the details for that, it will be awesome! Her and her husband have the temple in mind and a goal to get there, its so awesome!
Teaching Taylor Gerber has been going awesome. He recognizes he needs to humble himself and continue to do his part so he can receive an answer for himself! He is an amazing young man and I have great faith he will be baptized in due time. We have a lesson with him this Tuesday night.
Keith and Julie Jessop who I believe I mentioned before just got back home from a 3 week vacation and so we went to see them last night. I had a powerful experience as I was bold in bearing my testimony, bold in a loving way and telling them there is no authority in Pinesdale and that Polygamy was not to be lived at this time, and bold in inviting them to start at square one with the missionary lessons. It was awesome, they accepted and we have lesson 1 with them this Thursday and I invited them to come to church to hear me speak this coming Sunday, they said they would come.
Which brings me to the next thing... Elder Jones and I get to speak in church on Sunday about anything related to missionary work! What a perfect topic for missionaries, eh? Haha! I am really excited for the opportunity to speak and will be speaking on how the members can help the full-time missionaries and how we as full-time missionaries can help the members. That way we can be working hand in hand and moving forward this great work together as the Prophet and Apostles so clearly taught in the "Work of Salvation" broadcast last night!
For all of you who did not see that broadcast, watch it! It was so inspiring and amazing!
We are all in different parts of the vineyard, we must work hard to spread the word of God wherever we may be and in whatever capacity we serve in whether it be full-time missionary, member or otherwise.
"Every member a missionary!"
Catch the Wave my dear friends and family!
As the Prophet Joseph said, "...the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent till it has penetrated every continent, visited every climb, swept every country and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say, 'The work is done!'"
I know that to be true and we should all be energetically engaged in this great work!
Love you all and thank you for the support!
Love, Elder Organ